Friday, September 15, 2006

My Favourite Joke

When I was a kid my parents bought me a book of jokes that had such pearlers in it as:

Q. Why is it a bad idea to share secrets on a farm?
A. Because the corn has ears, the potatos have eyes, and the beanstalk.

(It took me a while to get that one.)

I remember terrorising my parents by reading the jokes over and over and expecting them to laugh.

Anyway, my favourite joke of all time, which I've liked since I was about that age, didn't come from that book (not even sure why I mentioned it!), is the following:

Q. What is green and sits in the corner?
A. A naughty frog.


Cmon! How can you not love that joke?!

This is my all-time favourite sily joke:

Q: Whats red and invisible?
A: No tomatoes.

Bwahahaha. Its so silly. :D

But yeah, the naughty frog is also good :)
(vomits into hat)

That joke was terrible!

Q: What's brown and sounds like a bell?


(Monty Python)

Thankyou. I aim to please :P
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