Friday, July 14, 2006

Nightmare Post Script

As a post script to my previous blog, the fire alarm did actually go off this morning - once again a toast-related incident.

I didn't quite jump out of my skin but it did make me jump. The alarms here don't gradually ramp up over a few seconds - it's just BAM! it's on

And I had two different firemen compliment me independantly on my PA manner, so that part of my dream was true at least! This despite my rather embarrasing and unintentionally funny final announcement of, "The fire brigade have confirmed that the alarm heard was false. However, staff are asked to stay out of the basement for the next few minutes while the smoke clears."

As soon as the words came out of my mouth I knew it was a mistake! :P

... Had a WoW friend link a really funny web comic to me today. It's hi-larious - if you get a chance, check it out: Dr McNinja


So.. people paying $4.95 a minute to hear your next PA announcement...?
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