Monday, January 16, 2006

Learning to Fly

When I was a kid, I used to have a lot of flying dreams. But I wasn't a very good flier; I'd have to flap my arms frantically to maintain any altitude. I'd fly somewhere (I remember trying to perch on the powerlines near my place like a bird) and then be scared of falling because I didn't know if I'd be able to fly or not. I would also have to resort to tricks, like bouncing off wire fences, to get airborne in the first place.

As I got older, I got to be a better flier. I'd just hold my arms out at my sides and fly. Usually, I would only fly in a dream if I was in a situation that required it. Often, that would mean I'd be dreaming of some disaster, such as an exploding volcano filling the area I lived in with lava, or people trying to catch me to lock me up (to study me to figure out why I could fly). The worst part of that is that I'd only be able to save a couple of people from the disaster, and carrying two people would make it harder to fly.

I don't dream of flying so much anymore. But I am very proud of myself that I taught myself to fly in my dreams.

I am of the belief that the only one that can analyse a dream is the person that is dreaming it, because the meaning is primarily based on the emotions that you feel at the time of the dream.

I think that's why me learning to fly over the years is significant to me; it's about overcoming the difficulties of childhood (major bullying issues) and becoming a whole person. The fact that these days I only dream of flying in emergencies where I am trying to save others is kind of cool.

(I remember having one dream where I flew to show off to someone and everyone got angry at me, so I haven't done that since! :P )
PS As an aside, there was another recurring dream I had as a little kid, where Animal from the Muppets would try to kill me or my sister if we were awake after a certain time.

I remember lots of those dreams - in one I crawled under my parents' bed to hide (impossible as it is an ensemble), and in another I got my little sister to hide under the blankets so he didn't notice she was awake too. When our bedroom was being painted IRL, the bedroom in my dream was too.

The last time I had that dream, I ran into the kitchen and bashed Animal on the head with a frying pan.

No more dream. :)
I think the trick to flying is to be completely surprised about something and then forget to make contact with the ground.

Recurring dreams for me are

1) Being back at school with 2.5 degrees.

2) Losing my teeth
Dude, you need a Zombie Marshalling Resistance Point.

My wife and I selected Telstra Tower. It has food and controlled access.
I used to have the flying dream too, I would not flap my arms- I would do more of a breaststroke, and like many others, would not get too far.

My other recurring dreams are:
1. Running dreams- where I am running away from someone or something

2. The toilet dream, where you can never find a toilet, or when you do the doors or even the toilet are missing or it opens up into a public space - I usually wake up at that point needing to go.

2. The drinking dream: similar to above but no matter how much you drink, you cannot sate your thirst. You guessed it- wake up thirsty
I have never had the drinking dream but I have had the toilet dream. The worst part about that is the instant before you fully wake up, when you have that moment of disorientation and wonder if you really did go to the toilet.

Fortunately I never have! :)
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