Wednesday, December 14, 2005


(Sorry for the incoherent post - I had to take codeine (sp?) tablets for a headache and I am sort of stoned at the moment... )

My sister called earlier today to tell me that they had to put the family dog, Tara, down. She had been having back problems for the past week - she couldn't walk some of the time (she'd collapse) and started to lose control over her bowels. They weren't 100% sure of what the problem was.

The vet said that they had the choice between keeping her locked in a cage for six weeks on pain meds (without any guarantee that it'd make a difference), spend $3,500 on exploratory surgery, or put her down. So that's what they did. I can understand why - as much as it pains me to say it I couldn't afford that sort of money for an operation for Jinx or Tasha either.

Am very sad about Tara. I lived with my parents till 2001, so she was my dog too; she used to sleep on the end of my bed every night, and even after I moved out she still slept on the bed. Only dog I knew with a room of her own.

Gonna go give my puppies another hug now.


My two pests have been getting a lot of unprompted hugs the past 24 hours.
Hey sweets, exact same thing happened to me too, about three Christmas' ago. My dog patch. Actually five years ago. Had a stroke and lost all control over his bowels, and his legs.

So they had to put him down. I cried and cried and cried when I found out and wanted to go home and be with him. We were going up for hols anyway and so a week later us boys went and had the deed done.

I remember we all gathered around him as the needle slid home, and the stupid vet asking what breed he was.

I also remember I said goodbye to his arse, the others having got the front spots.

Anyway, we came home, and I got to bury him. Which was cathartic.

Then my mum stuck on some music to farewell him and unfortunately selected the rather upbeat 'When the Saints go Marching In'.

It was so ironic, it was funny. And we laughed and we remembered Patch at his best. So it turned into a wake.

It broke my heart, and everytime I pass the spot where he lies under the garden I say hello. And occassionally I will take out a fruit mince pie and mush it into the earth above him, cause I used to sneak him food all the time.

My thoughts are with you man. Our pets love us unconditionally and when they pass it hurts as much as losing a friend.

Give your dogs a cuddle from me.
Mince pie. That's so cute.
Sorry Cass :( What a horrible, sad decision for your sis & family to have to make. It's something you never get used to either, because each pet is so special. Our 15 year old family dog died in his sleep earlier this year and even though I cried because I hadn't seen him in over a year and never got to say goodbye, I knew I was lucky that we never had to make a decision like that. It must be so wrenching :( I'm so sorry to hear about your dog...
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