Thursday, November 10, 2005

Obligatory Blog Rant

I gather that there's some sort of stereotype associated with blogs (especially LJ) that they are the place for people to angst and rant. I haven't really done either nearly as much as I should have - I'm letting the team down.

So now it's time for a rant...

Where I work, I report directly to a sort of important person. Her boss' office is in the same building, and he has his own staff. One of the members of his staff - let's call him Alvin - is a relatively junior person (I get paid more than he does) but he's got the arrogance of kings. Every time I see his smarmy face I want to punch him... and I am not a violent person.

Alvin from the Chipmunks, who represents a lot of the qualities that "Alvin" lacks: cuteness, humility, manners, the ability to play a golden harmonica, etc

Now, I know that there are some personal assistant types who adopt a cloak of importance directly related to the power of their boss. It's the sort of power that can be used for good in the aid of the organisation they work for: their boss will quite frequently ask them to get someone else to do a particular task, and having a sort of conferred power means that they will get less arguments from people who get paid more than they do for giving them work.

But it can also be used for evil, to push people around and give them shit.

For example, today Alvin came to see me. He asked if I'd received a particular email that his boss had sent me three weeks ago. I said no - if I had received it, I would certainly remember. I suggested that maybe he should re-send it.

Alvin asked me to check my inbox just to make sure. In the interests of keeping the peace I did so, and, surprise surprise, no email. I told him this. He then peered at my screen as though to check if I was lying, made a comment to the effect of, "Well, he said he sent it," and walked off saying he'd ask him to send it again.

This is the latest in a long stream of derogatory and insulting little encounters. He's offended not only myself but the people who work near me (over completely different matters) and people I liaise with in other buildings (who have phoned me to complain about him!). The guy is a condescending little freak.


...aaaaaand I'm spent.

Did you have a post rant cigarette?

They taste so much better after angry frothing.

Is he related at all to the chair fiasco?
On a side note the cpimunks always reminded me of my brothers and I. Theodre was my older brother, my younger brother (lord high god almighty) was Alvin, and I was the fat one.


I also loved how on LP record players you could get the chipmunk effect simply my selecting the different speed.

God. Sarah probably doesn't even know what we're talking about??? Hell she probably doesn't even know who the A team were !
About chipmunks? Only vaguely :P They were still on TV when I was little but we didn't have a TV.

And the A team? *blank look*
We had the Chipmunks Christmas album at home. I got really sick of it, and one day the tape disappeared. My entire family blamed me for it, which was very unfair as I hadn't done it (though I'd been tempted).

As revenge - because I suspect one of my parents threw it out - I bought my sister the CD for Christmas. She still lives with them. Bwahahaha!
I reckon you should fix him up on Equity and Diversity charges. Next time he gives you the s___ts, just confront him and say that his behaviour is unacceptable and that you find it sexist/racist/demeaning/whatever - you have the start to a great case!

Best of all, it would be true. Mention the Public Service Values, or the Defence Values - that oughtta throw him :)
I was thinking that as I wrote the blog (I'm an Equity Adviser so I ought to know, I suppose). I am not sure where condescension would fit in - bullying or harrassment, maybe.
The A team ?!?!?

The A Team

As for Cass's problem, it's a tough one. I for one am a mega chicken - though today I told someone what they did was f_cked and they shouldn't have done it.

Maybe like Techno said, the best approach is to sit him down and explain what he is doing is making you feel bad. eg

'Look Alvin. You may not be aware of this. But when you ask in that manner, or query my response in the way that you do, I feel you are acting in a hostile manner. If you do have a question, or require futher information, I ask that you do so politely, and respectfully. If you do that, we'll get on fine.'

Dunno. It's a toughie man. Like I said, I'd chicken out.
I feel a bit better post rant. Morally superior.

Of course, I haven't gotten the email from his boss that was going to be re-forwarded to me, so I anticipate another, similar encounter in the future.
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