Sunday, November 27, 2005

(Danger) Mouse

I logged on a little while ago to write a blog entry about the fact it's mine and M's one year anniversary, but I didn't get that far, because my stupid freaking mouse wouldn't work properly.

I used to have a mouse with a cable, until Jinx (the now five month old puppy) decided that the cable was fun to chew on, and proceeded to do so. She was quiet stealthy about it - I was using the mouse at the time and the first I noticed of it was when the screen scrolled all the way to the top and the keyboard locked up. No little tugs or anything.

In a way, I was proud of how stealthy she was. And it's the only thing she's destroyed that wasn't hers to destroy in the first place, so I can't complain too much.

So I bought a fancy new wireless mouse. $50 worth of mouse - not even a cheapo brand. But sometimes my mouse (perhaps in protest over the new IR legislation) decides to stop work. It'll take me six clicks where one would do, and three or four attempts to move the cursor in whichever direction I want before it does so. Sometimes when it works it over compensates, and the mouse I wanted in the middle screen ends up in some random corner.

It is a teensy bit frustrating. I know this to be true because I had to turn the computer off so that I didn't accidentally put my fist through the monitor.

And then I took the dogs for a walk.

Which is sort of like rewarding bad behaviour, now that I think about it...

Ah IT rage, I know it well.

I nearly Office Spaced the fax machine at work today.

Man I have dreams of Office Spacing dodgy IT equipment.
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