Thursday, November 03, 2005

Angel of Ruin

I just finished reading a novel by an awesome Aussie writer, Kim Wilkins. Her publisher calls her the "Australian queen of the supernatural". I don't know about that, but she tells a really good story. Very cool.

(Left: My "Day of Rest" manip.) The one I just finished is called "Angel of Ruin". It's really interesting - devils and angels and all that stuff I really enjoy reading about.

The bit that made me smile is that it ends like a chain letter, almost. The whole thing is about a Wanderer, a person cursed to wander the earth till they find someone to listen to their story, thereby passing the curse on. The novel is the story of a person who hears the story.

So of course it had to end with something along the lines of advising the reader they better find someone else to read the book and take the curse off them.

Hehehehe. Love it.

So... anyone wanna borrow the book? ;)

Oooh! Nipples!

Sorry, that's very childish of me.



So that's a no to the book then? :P
To die for!!!!
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