Thursday, October 13, 2005

Hypocrisy, thy name is...

Last night I heard a doorstop interview with John Howard on the Channel Ten news. He came out with a pearler of a quote about how the Labor party was engaging in scare tactics with regard to the new Industrial Relations "reforms", and how this was typical of them.

Little Johnny tries to edge into a picture with more important people

I suppose that Johnny would recognise said behaviour when he saw it. Scare-mongering, I mean. Does the name "Tampa" ring a bell? Apparently we were going to get swamped by waves of baby-hurling boat people.

Or, if that's going too far back, what about the last election? If the Labor party were elected, we were going to return to the heady days of 18% interest rates on our mortgages (never mind the fact that it's a completely different economic climate than it was then).

Takes one to know one.

I think Howard is grasping at straws and has come to the realisation that the Australian people may have voted him into the Senate power seat, but they now have massive regrets.

It is delicious that all those people that worried for their poor widdle mortgage may now very well get bent over the desk and given one from the boss with a substantially lower salary all because of these changes.

Their not reforms. Reforms is when it's broken. This is just typical 50's picket fence mum in the kitchen nursing a bruised eye because she was asking for it crap from Mr Magoo.
That's why I put reforms in "..."s. Couldn't bear not to.
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