Sunday, September 25, 2005

Harry Potter and the Devil

I was Googling on mandrakes today (the plant) and I found this site, with the eye-catching title "HARRY POTTER'S CHAMBER OF SECRETS DEPICTS KILLING, CUTTING UP, AND STEWING HUMAN BEINGS!"

I remember reading the book and seeing the movie so this was news to me. I thought I'd better find out more.

It turns out that because Rowling describes the young mandrake roots as babies, and later talks about them going through puberty, and then being cut up and stewed, this was a direct example of human sacrifice. The fact that the babies were ugly, mottled and not human was an attempt to dehumanise them and make the human sacrifice ok in the same way that people refer to unborn babies as "fetuses" so as to justify abortion.

"These Mandrake humans had the same appearance as humans, the same maturing cycle, the same emotions, and the same problem called acne. As my Daddy used to say, 'If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and talks like a duck, it is a duck'! These are human sacrifices, which we should expect if the plot of the novel revolves around White and Black Magic Witchcraft!"

The author then goes on to say that (based on an email from a "Satanist") Rowling clearly has a clear understanding of witchcraft, which she advocates in her books. So therefore witches, even "white" witches like the students of Gryffindor, advocate human sacrifice and that all witches are Satanists, and that good Christians shouldn't be letting their kids read the devil works of Harry Potter.


I am lost for words!

That's a fantastic site - "The Cutting Edge". I went to their main page and found a link to some fabulous fiction about how Steve Jackson predicted the 9/11 attacks back in 1995 with his Illuminati card game. Pure gold, Jackson must be laughing heartily.

They also have some great crackpot articles about Freemasonry and Weather Control. I highly recommend it.
... this demonic practice of sacrificing young teens in the flower of their lives ....

Git it? Flower of their lives?

They're plants !

What a whacked out site. Thanks Cass. It was kewl.

Check out the weasel words used below.

Outcome-Based Religion is another manifestation of the 21st Century that is all about meeting the needs of the consumer with as little inconvenience as possible.
So was the site run by wierd fundamentalist christians who wanted you to join their ministry or what?

I love it how almost all mention of the supernatural or occult always ccomes back to satanism. Satanism is an inherintly christian concept- as it requires belief in satan- Christianity's 'Big Bad'
I haven't looked at the site for fear of waking up to being abducted and de-programmed by a cult buster.

Am baffled and must remain so.....
It's a valid concern...
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