Thursday, September 01, 2005

Diet Dawg

I found this article, which made my head spin. Here's an excerpt:

A scientist in the United States has designed a robot dog that monitors your daily food intake and pleads with you to curb over-indulgence, the British weekly New Scientist reports in an upcoming issue.

The canine coach, a souped-up version of Sony's Aibo, is programmed to exhibit four different behaviours, representing lethargy, energy and two stages in between.

If you have stuck to your daily calories, the dog will jump up and down, wag its tail, play cheerful music and flash brightly coloured lights that stud his 50 centimetre high body.

But if you have splurged on the cheesecake, it will move ponderously and play sorrowful, low-energy music.

The pooch gets its information from a pedometer, bathroom scales and personal digital assistant on which the owner is supposed to truthfully record his or her food intake.

Can you imagine this dog with an owner that has the eating habits of Homer Simpson?

It starts with moving ponderously; progresses to shouting insults ("Hey, fatty, that's your fifteenth doughnut today!"); bites them on the ass repeatedly to try and pull them away from their supersize fries; and finally, realising with despair the futility of its existence, drowns itself in the supersize Coke.

Poor doggy.

he he he he.

Or alternatively, the robot dog could coax the fatty to give it some of the food. ", c'mon give us some fatty..."
I'd punt the f*cker clear across the room.
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