Tuesday, August 30, 2005

The Cassandra Complex

A lot of my friends have been getting into blogging on this site (or maybe they've always done it and I am slow and only just noticed...!) and I thought I should create a login so that I can go and comment on their posts. Not sure how often I'll update this, but I thought I should post something other than "this space left intentionally blank" (which I did briefly consider!).

Why did I call the blog The Cassandra Complex? Wiki defines said complex as "knowing of a future event, such as a disaster, but not being believed" (it's also called the Cassandra Sydnrome, but that doesn't sound as cool).

It's derived from poor old Cassandra of Troy, who was cursed to see the future and not be believed. She obviously never heard of reverse psychology... "Guys, it's a really TOPS idea to accept the wooden horse from the guys we've been at war with for so long. Go on! ... What, you're not going to now? Oh, that's a pity..."

Cassandra was also cursed to get left out of the "Troy" movie, or so I've been told, but that's another story...

Anyway, that's the origin of the name I picked. But I have another definition for the Cassandra Complex, which is "the tendancy of people named Cassandra to get somewhat paranoid at their own lack of psychic abilities after prolonged exposure to fictional Cassandras (in movies and TV primarily) who have strange occult powers".

Or is that only me? *twitches*

Ah, a Wiki girl. That I likes to see. Wiki had gotten me through some tough times, and some very dull times. I could wiki all day I could.

Let's see what it says about Cassandra ... ah, so that's where the complex thing came from.

Interesting. Very interesting.

By the way, your photo is a bit pervy. Stand by for blogging propositions of an adult nature !

Cassandra is

* a character of the Greek mythology, see Cassandra
* a psychological syndrome, see Cassandra Syndrome
* a term of art used to describe an event prediction project funded by the CIA or other intelligence agency, see Cassandra Project
* the title of a novel by the French writer La Calprenède, see Cassandra.
* a pseudonym of William Connor, long standing British journalist
* a former destroyer of the British Royal Navy, see HMS Cassandra.
* a famous Puerto Rican astrologer, Anita Cassandra
* a borough of Pennsylvania, see Cassandra, Pennsylvania
* a character in the 2005 series of Doctor Who - appearing in the episode The End of the World
* Cassandra is a character in the Highlander:The Series, also known as Witch of Donan Woods.
* Cassandra Alexandra is a fictional Grecian from the Soul Series of fighting video games.
* Cassandra Chen is a character in the book Morning Pass: The Collapse of the UFO Coverup.
Pervy? Maybe I ought to change it then... :|

They ought to have a dot point that says:

* me

Nope, like the pic. Didn't realise you were blogging until today! (Thought that you just had the login for commenting, as you said).

Thanks! :)

This thing is potentially addictive. What if it starts to cut in on my Photoshop time?! Oh, the dilemma!
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